From Elementary School to Middle School

Better food, lockers, switching classes, new faces and earlier mornings… Middle school was a big change for each and every one of us coming from the 3 elementary schools in Wantagh.  I interviewed a 6th grader from each of the elementary schools: Wantagh El, Mandalay, and Forest Lake to get their perspective of moving from elementary to middle school and to see the difference between each of the schools.


Mandalay School:  Kaitlyn S.

Chris:  You came from one of the smallest elementary schools. 

What do you miss about being in Mandalay?

Kaitlyn:   At Mandalay, I miss being able to see all my old teachers. 

Although I really liked Mandalay, I don’t miss it much there because I like being in middle school.


Chris:  What are some things that you had to get used to in 

middle school?

Kaitlyn:  At WMS, I needed to be able to get used to the bell schedule, 

opening my locker (definitely hard), and the bus. On the first           day the bus drove right past my stop and missed us.



Chris:  What advice do you have for kids that are coming from 

your school to the middle school?

Kaitlyn:   To kids that are coming from Mandalay to the middle school, 

they should just remember that even though the middle school 

is big and nerve racking, once you get used to it, it’s really easy. And if you want to know other people better, you should join school clubs! 


Wantagh Elementary: Christopher P.

Chris T:   You were in the bigger elementary school out of all 

three.  What do you miss about being in Wantagh EL?

Chris P: I miss having more recess time after lunch.  I also miss 

The school events since we don’t have as many here in 

middle school. 


Chris T: What are some things that you needed to get used to in 

middle school?

Chris P: I still need to get used to waking up earlier than in 

elementary school.  I also need to get used to packing 

up faster in between classes.  Also need to remember 

classes on different days.


Chris T: What advice do you have for kids that are coming from 

Wantagh El to middle school?

Chris P: My advice is to keep track of your homework because 

It is easy to forget since you have so many classes.  

Also, don’t be afraid to ask and talk to the teachers, 

They are there to help! 


Forest Lake:  Matthew D.

Chris:  You were in one of the smaller elementary schools.  

What do you miss about Forest Lake?

Matthew: What I miss about being in Forest Lake was the recess 

football and soccer.


Chris: What are some of the things you needed to get used to 

in middle school?

Matthew: Some things I had to get used to were changing classes 

and knowing when I had a lesson for music. 


Chris: What advice do you have for kids that are going from 

Forest Lake to middle school?

Matthew: Some advice I have for kids entering middle school is you 

are going to have to study a lot and always communicate 

with your teachers!