Dr. Davis Interview

Dr. Davis Interview

Carolina G.

The new school production Descendants is run by Mrs. Piciullo and Dr. Davis. I wanted to interview Dr. Davis a bit about Descendants and more about it. 


What is your favorite play?


So, my favorite play is usually what play we are working on; however, the high school is working on the production of Radium Girls, and I am loving it. I am so excited for it to come out in November.


Why did you choose Descendants?


I actually didn’t pick Descendants; Mrs. Piciullo did. She knew that her daughters would love the production, and I have never actually seen any of the movies so this is all new to me.


Have you ever acted before?


Yes! I started acting with my high school acting group. I was a dance major, but I loved theater. I act everyday in room 438!